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Pupil Safeguarding


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 19 - You have a right to be safe.

Ensuring that children are safe is the number one priority for all within the community at Prendergast C. P. School.

All staff have completed mandatory safeguarding training and this is renewed every 3 years. The school has Designated Safeguarding Officers: Ms John, Headteacher and Mrs Humphreys, Deputy Headteacher.

All staff are trained to listen to safeguarding concerns from children, parents or other school community members and understand the procedures in relation to this.

Safeguarding Statement for Children 

Prendergast C. P. School is a safe place for children. We take safeguarding (keeping children safe from all types of harm and danger) seriously. 

Children must: 

  • Let a trusted grown-up know if they feel unsafe, at home or in school. 

Grown-ups will

  • Listen to what you are saying. Don’t feel embarrassed or scared, you won’t be in trouble. 
  • Tell a trained adult who will help to make things better for you.
  • Write down what has been said. 
  • Say they can't promise to keep it a secret. They may need to tell someone who can help you more.

All teachers, LSAs, caretakers, cooks, cleaners, governors, PTA, parents and visitors have to follow our Safeguarding Policy. 

Pembrokeshire County Council Safeguarding Statement.

Pembrokeshire County Council is committed to safeguarding the well being of children, young people and vulnerable adults in its care, within a culture that gives safeguarding the highest priority. Our employees are required to share this commitment.

To this end, employees who will work with children or vulnerable adults will be recruited in accordance with the Council's Code of Practice, and vetted to set standards. This means appropriate background checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and satisfactory references are mandatory. Applicants' suitability to work with children will be probed through checks with current and previous employers as part of the vetting process, and at interview. The Council will not employ anyone to work with children or vulnerable adults where there is any reasonable doubt about their suitability to do so.

The Council will ensure that the employee induction training process includes guidance on safeguarding and protection best practice, and that employees are carefully and regularly supervised in their work with children and vulnerable adults.

Prendergast C.P. School uses Edukey to report concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Person

(DSP), Headteacher, Louise John and Deputy Headteacher, Leah Humphreys.

Telephone: 01437 764551